BAS Returns
Are BAS Returns doing your head in?
Need help to work out GST?
BAS Returns
BAS Return Sydney
Preparing BAS returns can be a daunting experience. TAX logic simplifies the process by helping small businesses put together all their transactions and lodge their BAS, GST and PAYG returns.
The BAS (Business Activity Statement) is a single form that reports the following obligations and entitlements:
- GST (Goods & Services Tax)
- PAYG (Pay As You Go) Withholding
- PAYG Instalments
- FBT (Fringe Benefits Tax) Instalments
- Wine Equalisation Tax
- Luxury Car Tax
- Deferred Company Tax Instalment
- Fuel Tax Credit
Things you should know about GST & BAS:
- Registration for GST is compulsory for businesses with an annual turnover of $75,000 or more
- You must have an ABN to claim GST back on any business purchases you make
- The size of your business will determine whether you need to lodge your BAS Return annually, quarterly or monthly.
- Businesses with an annual turnover less than $20 million may lodge their BAS returns quarterly.
- You can account for GST on a cash basis where your annual turnover is less than $2 million
Missing a BAS Statement?
If you have misplaced your BAS Statement TAX logic can add you to our client listing and retreive your BAS Form online via the tax agent's portal link direct with the Tax Office.
Late in lodging a BAS Statement?
If you are late in lodging your BAS Statement TAX logic will contact the Tax Office on your behalf to let them know your BAS return is being worked on whilst we bump you to the head of the queue and treat you as an urgent client. We will then lodge your GST Return electronically.
Need help to Work Out GST?
TAX logic provides assistance to new small business owners aware of their GST responsibilities but in need of help to work out GST:
- We can prepare your cashbook for you
- We can provide you with a cashbook template so you can do it yourself
- We can review a cashbook you have prepared yourself prior to submitting you BAS Return
- We can advise you on which structure is right for your business
- We can register your business for GST when your sales exceed $75,000
- We can review a BAS return you have prepared yourself
- We can prepare your BAS Return for you
Do My BAS !!!
TAX logic are a team of online BAS Agents & mobile BAS agents offering both business hours and after hours BAS preparation services for Small Business Owners.
TAX logic are a team of online & mobile BAS agents offering both business and after hours BAS Return preparation services for Small Business Owners.